continual education


The Dose Makes The Poison

So, we can see that when it comes to our training, a certain volume of work when paired with adequate recovery is positive for our development, but if that same intensity of work is mismanaged and spiked, then the same exercise intensity can be toxic to the athlete.

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Knowledge is Power

Those that genuinely care, will always keep in mind the long-term development of their clients, as well as the long-term impact that they, themselves, can have on them.

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I Don’t Know It All

The experienced coach may not be certain often, but they will be certain of one thing, and that is, that they know very little for certain.

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Put a “Value” on Your Health

“See, the truth is, people absolutely love free stuff, but they don’t value it. By giving all this stuff away for free, the only person that you’re truly serving is yourself.”

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