I Don’t Know It All

The experienced coach may not be certain often, but they will be certain of one thing, and that is, that they know very little for certain.
Why Confidence is Key in Sports Performance
They say that confidence is key. Whether you’re approaching a member of your desired sex, presenting to an audience, stepping on-stage or taking a penalty in front of thousands of people, it is the single, most desirable and useful trait to possess. Confidence in yourself. Confidence in your ability to execute. Confidence in your ability […]
Breathwork: Why It’s So Hot Right Now

It’s the health and fitness industry’s newest fad. Everywhere you look, you’ll see someone either practicing meditation, performing some strength exercises with a fancy type of exhale or attempting a new breath-training protocol that’s supposed to make you healthier, stronger and cure cancer all at once. However, I’m not here to unequivocally bash it. Although […]
Put a “Value” on Your Health

“See, the truth is, people absolutely love free stuff, but they don’t value it. By giving all this stuff away for free, the only person that you’re truly serving is yourself.”
The Importance of Having “The Craic”

Elite performance occurs when both the mind and body are working optimally as one. Likewise, when one is not operating at its maximum, it can have an adverse effect on the other.
Reasonable Return to Play Will Win This Year’s Championship

Strength & Conditioning social media will be bombarded with posts on Return to Play (RTP) for GAA in the coming weeks. Though these accounts are right to forewarn the pitfalls of a hasty return to performance, many of them don’t actually inform a whole pile in terms of their actual RTP protocol. As they outline […]
Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

In strength & conditioning, sport science and sports development programs, as in any industry, we have a tendency to go along with the latest trend, without even considering whether it will bring about significant positive change or not. Will the net gain as a result of our efforts be worth the financial and temporal cost […]
“Forwards That Play Like Backs”: The Simile That Just Won’t Die

Following impressive displays by both Codie Taylor and Ardie Savea last weekend in Super Rugby Aotearoa, a number of online analysts have been describing them as “forwards that play like backs”. Now these statements may have been made with flattery in mind, but I believe that they may indeed achieve the opposite. In the grander […]
Why On-Pitch S&C is More Valuable Than The Gym

Ok, first let me get started by addressing the title of this article. Yes, I know that it’s impossible to quantify and compare the value of on-field and weight-room work. Yes, I have baited you into reading this article with a controversial title, but please let me explain why I’ve made this irrationally, oversimplified statement. […]
Strength & Conditioning in the GAA: Where we are and where we’re going

In this post, I discuss the barriers to growth in GAA S&C, as well as how they can be overcome.