Communication & Persuasion; Your Most Important Assets as a Coach

The two most important qualities a coach can have are clear, coherent communication skills and the ability to persuade people to do things that they may not want to do.
Do What You Can With What You Have

Many roads lead to Rome, as they say. However, some roads are definitely shorter than others.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

As any coach does, I tried to leave my judgemental coaching hat at home, but it became apparent very early on that that was going to be virtually impossible. I have to say that over my couple of gym visits, the standard of technique that I observed was appalling.
Training Recommendations: I Don’t Know Where To Start!

Now, to a sedentary person, this all sounds like a lot. To others, who class themselves as generally physically active, not a whole pile. But there still is an obesity epidemic in this country that places significant strain on the country’s healthcare resources. Why is that?
Hamstring Injuries in GAA; The Common Misconceptions

Unfortunately, our training is much like a steak. It’s pretty much impossible to undo the damage, once it’s been over-done.
“My Body’s a Temple Too”

As people seek a simple solution to their nutrition “problem”, they typically look for a type of diet that can be summed up in one concise and easily digestible statement.
Rugby S&C: Train How You Want to Play

The games and drills that are used in training, should be used specifically. That is to say, that they’re programmed with a specific goal in mind.
The Power of Knowing What Not to Do

It can be far more important to know what not to do with your athletes than it is to know what to do, in order to improve their performance.
You Fear Rejection? Then S&C is the Wrong Industry for You

So, what do you do when that happens? You accept it, deal with it in a healthy way. Take any learnings that can be taken from it and move forward.
Knowledge is Power

Those that genuinely care, will always keep in mind the long-term development of their clients, as well as the long-term impact that they, themselves, can have on them.