Overdelivering or Protecting Your Welfare

So although I learned the hard way that workaholism will inevitably lead to burnout and that there definitely comes a point where you need to switch off and relax, I wouldn’t change what I went through for the world.
Accepting Responsibility

Ultimately there are things that are outside of our control. And we need to accept those things as they are. The only thing that we have control over and that we must accept responsibility for is our own effort.
Playing with Adventure

Attaching ourselves to the outcome is what generates fear. “What if I miss?” “What if I score?” In order to get rid of persistent fear, we must stop asking ourselves what if questions. We must learn to accept that the only thing that we can control is our efforts. So, that is what we should focus on.
Establishing a Common Language in a Team

Different words have different meanings for different people. So, we can’t just expect that someone knows what we’re talking about when we give them instruction.
Lessons from Podcasting with Elite Performers

After each conversation I am left with a real sense of who the guest I am speaking to is as a person, a deep connection to their story and an intense admiration for their diligence, drive and level of self-awareness.
Athlete Archetypes & Profiling GAA Players for Individualisation

What got the athletes to this point, will likely not get them much further. You can only squeeze so much juice out of an orange.
Progressing Pre-Season Power

Contact situations occur in a matter of milliseconds, so it is obviously advantageous to be able to produce force as fast as possible to win the collision.
Micro-Dosing Speed to Achieve Macro-Sized Gains

Article written for the Irish S&C Network (irishscnetwork.com)
Are you going to last the full 60?

So, if you believe you need to improve your aerobic conditioning this off-season, it may only take a couple of nights of dedication. Don’t let time slip by without taking advantage of it.
What shape will you be in come throw-in?

There are many, many variables that influence sports performance. Lower body fat percentages or body weight will not necessarily always influence performance positively. The same goes for increased muscle mass.